Intuitive & easy to use 

  No more annoying résumés, cover letters, or documents required!
  No more time wasted on unnecessary waiting or scheduling!
  No more missed opportunities for team players or managers!

 Sign up in just a few minutes with a short profile of 500 characters!
Quick and easy job or employee search.
 Job interviews within 24 hours!
Effortlessly integrate job applications into your daily routine, with no additional effort!



Location and time independent
Location and time shouldn't be the deciding factors for a perfect match! Everyone should be able to use their time however they choose. With preatmos, you can apply from home, on the go, or during your free time - whenever it suits you! Learn more

Not only job seekers but also employers can see the available talent in their area using our interactive map. preatmos is people-focused, not company-based, so you'll see your potential boss or new team member. The search radius can be customized, and if that's not enough, you can activate the Travel feature to receive push notifications about relevant opportunities. Just like Pokémon Go or Geocaching, you can hunt for your next job around the city!


Networking doesn’t have to be complicated! It can happen spontaneously and without much effort. Whether it’s a coffee break, a phone call, or a glimpse into the workplace atmosphere (Arbeitssphäre), both parties can easily agree on a personal introduction through quick coordination.

Our goal is for the first contact to happen within 24 hours! No more waiting or endless phone calls. After a match, preatmos gives both parties 24 hours to agree on the next steps. In the chat overview, this deadline is indicated by a red arc around the profile picture.

Success for both parties!


Benefits for Candidates


✔  Find attractive employers in your area!
  No paperwork: Apply without needing résumés or cover letters.

  Consider personal chemistry with your supervisor!
  Integrate the opportunity to find the perfect job into your daily routine!
  Get to know your supervisor & increase transparency!
  Clarify open questions (like salary, work hours, career prospects, etc.) in advance!




Benefits for employers


Lower the barriers to applying!
Use your existing system and extend it with preatmos!

Meet real employees and reduce turnover!
Consider personal chemistry with the candidate!
Enhance your attractiveness in the job market!
Easily integrate with existing HR tools!
✔ Increase the number of applications received!



Download the app now and start finding jobs & employees!